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The Alabama Professional Bail Bonding Board Board February 20, 2020 Meeting Minutes

With proper and required notice having been provided to the Alabama Secretary of State’s Office along with posting on the website of the Alabama Secretary of State, a meeting of the Alabama Professional Bail Bonding Board was held on February 20, 2020, at 3 North Jackson Street, 1st Floor, Montgomery, Alabama.  The meeting was called to order at 10:34 a.m. by Chairman Chris McNeil.

A quorum having been established, the following Board members were present:

District I:  Chris McNeil
District II:  Gustavius Maxie
District III:  Vacant
District IV:  Alesia Kyser
District VI:  Jimmie Lay
Circuit Clerk:  The Honorable Carla Woodall

The following Board members were not present:

District III:  Vic Howard
District VII:  Edward Giles
Judge:  The Honorable Spiro Cheriogotis

Also in attendance was Claire Austin, Acting Executive Director; and Brenda Holden, Administrative Support.

Unless otherwise stated, all votes of the Board were taken by a show of hands.

The minutes of the January 17, 2020, meeting of the Board was reviewed by all members present.  A motion was made to waive the reading of said-minutes and approve as submitted by Jimmie Lay.  Motion failed to receive a second.

Claire Austin announced the new Board’s Attorney from the Attorney General’s Office would be Madeline Lewis and that Attorney Mary Goldthwaite with the Attorney General’s Office is available by conference call for today’s meeting.

Brenda Holden distributed a rough draft of the Complaint form for review by the Board.  Discussions were held that the form would require a notary, be available on Board website, and changes were recommended.

Claire Austin updated the Board regarding current Legislative activity that affected the Board as well as information regarding emergency funds available from the Governor’s Office to be utilized as start-up funds.  Claire Austin also provided information regarding contracts previously approved by the Board were never filed with Contract Review Committee by then-Board Attorney Neva Conway and would keep Board members abreast.

Motion to waive the reading of the January 17, 2020, minutes and approve as submitted was made by Alesia Kyser.  Motion seconded by Jimmie Lay.  Motion passed unanimously.

Brenda Holden asked the Board to review the names of the Board to be published on the website and advised upon the Governor making an appointment to the vacant District III position that the Board would be required to re-vote on Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Secretary of the Board.

A discussion was held of the utilization of emergency funds for Executive Director, support staff, supplies, and establishment and maintenance of website.  Discussions were also held regarding content and cost of Board website from State-approved vendors.

Motion to recess for lunch was made by Alesia Kyser and seconded by Jimmie Lay.  Motion passed unanimously.  Meeting recessed at 12:25 p.m.

At 12:52 p.m. meeting reconvened with all previously-listed Board members present, along with Claire Austin and Brenda Holden.

The Rules and Regulations sub-committee submitted a draft of the proposed Rules and Regulations, which was reviewed and discussions held wherein recommended changes and additions were made by members of the Board.

Chairman Chris McNeil set the next meeting of the Alabama Professional Bail Bonding Board for Thursday, March 5, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. in Montgomery, Alabama, with the location to be announced once secured.

A Rules and Regulations sub-committee meeting was set for Monday, March 2, 2020 at 1:30 p.m. in Room 4400 of the Mobile Government Plaza in Mobile, Alabama.

There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Jimmie Lay and seconded by Gustavius Maxie.  Motion passed unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 2:07 p.m.

Respectfully submitted:

Carla Woodall

Chris McNeil